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Address:Room 102, District D, Houhu Industrial Park, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China
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Time:2022-09-12 08:49:16 Popularity:778
In the future, agrometeorology will play an increasingly important role in key fields such as agroclimate and agricultural layout optimization, biometeorology and agricultural green development, agrometeorological disaster and risk management, agricultural microclimate and factory agriculture, agrometeorological information and smart agriculture.
Agricultural Meteorology and Agricultural Green Development:
Focusing on the needs of green agricultural development and circular development, it focuses on the research on agro-climatic resource carrying capacity and planting system, meteorological conditions and inputs, pest and disease meteorology, microclimate and environmental benchmarks, and agricultural greenhouse gas emission reduction. Planting system traffic light system for resource carrying capacity and ecological system environmental capacity, establish a circular agricultural model and a green technology system.
Agrometeorological Disaster and Risk Management:
Focusing on the characteristics of frequent recurrence of extreme weather and climate events caused by climate change, strengthen scientific research on agrometeorological disaster risk management. Improve the theoretical methods and technical research on structural disaster avoidance, engineering disaster prevention, biological disaster resistance, technical disaster reduction, and institutional disaster relief to support the stable development of agriculture and rural economy.
Agricultural Microclimate and Factory Agriculture:
Focusing on the development needs of facility agriculture, urban agriculture, animal and plant factories, etc., focus on the impact, restriction and stress response of meteorological elements such as light, temperature, CO2 and their coupling conditions on the growth and development of animals and plants under artificial control conditions. The impact of plant production on the artificial environment, and the establishment of different types of factory agriculture efficient, high-quality, safe and green production environment control modes and technical systems.
Agricultural Meteorological Information and Smart Agriculture:
Focusing on intelligent perception and decision support, fully absorb the latest achievements of biological science and information science, strengthen the development and application of crop models, improve the interpretability of crop models for crop growth environment, management, and gene interaction, and develop agricultural meteorology based on modern IT technology. Integrated solutions for monitoring, forecasting and early warning, impact assessment, decision support, risk management, and technical measures to respond, guide the selection of environmental adaptability of different genotypes, intelligent irrigation and fertilization, and develop climate-smart agricultural models and technologies.
Prev:Agricultural Field Small Meteorological Environment Monitoring Station
Next:Using Internet of Things technology through various sensors to achieve remote precision irrigation
Sensors & Weather Stations Catalog
Agriculture Sensors and Weather Stations Catalog-NiuBoL.pdf
Weather Stations Catalog-NiuBoL.pdf
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