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Application Scenarios of Industrial RTU

Time:2022-01-16 17:31:14 Popularity:906

Application Scenarios of Industrial RTU

RTU is the basic unit of SCADA system. RTU is an electronic device installed on a remote site. It is used to monitor, measure and collect sensors and equipment installed on a remote site. It is responsible for monitoring and controlling on-site signals and industrial equipment. The RTU converts the measured state or signal into a data format that can be sent on the communication medium, and it also converts the data sent from the central computer into commands to implement functional control of the device.


RTU is the abbreviation of Remote Terminal Unit (remote measurement and control terminal), which is the basic unit of SCADA system. An RTU can have several, dozens or hundreds of I/O points and can be placed in the field near the measurement point. RTU should have at least the following two functions: data acquisition and processing, data transmission (network communication), of course, many RTUs also have PID control function or logic control function, flow accumulation function and so on.

As a product that reflects the idea of "distributed measurement and control and centralized management", the remote measurement and control terminal RTU has been introduced to China since the 1980s and has been widely used rapidly. Its advantages in improving the reliability of signal transmission, reducing the burden on the host, reducing the amount of signal cables, and saving installation costs have also been affirmed by users.

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Application scenarios of industrial RTU:

In addition to a large number of applications in traditional industrial production processes (such as power plants, steel plants, chemical plants), industrial RTUs are particularly scattered in measurement and control points. For example, remote measurement and control terminal RTUs are widely used in the following industries: Urban water supply automation control system; urban waste water treatment system; integrated dispatching system of urban gas pipeline network; automation system of natural gas and petroleum industries; electric power remote data centralized control system; automatic control of heating network pipeline; environmental monitoring of atmospheric/water quality; hydrological and hydrological monitoring and reporting system; lighthouse information Standard, river shipping, port, mine dispatching system.

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